Sunday, February 23, 2025

Top  Best Smoke Spots in Dust 2


Dust 2 is easily one of the most iconic levels in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and for good reason.

Despite the fact that competitive play is no longer allowed on the map, it continues to be popular among local gamers. The tactical smoke areas, which are easy to obstruct your targets whether you’re a counter-terrorist or on the opposing side, are one of the main reasons why we fell in love with the map in the first place.

Here, we’ll look at the top eight best smoke spots dust 2, as recommended by pro players in the community. Let’s get started without further ado.

Best Smoke Spots in Dust 2

XBOX Smoke

If you’re smart, the box near T Ramp or the XBOX allows terrorists to swiftly move from lower tunnels or even the terrorist side to A short. Simply walk over to A long, but don’t go inside.

Check for the arched shadow from outside. Look up once you’ve aligned yourself with the shadow. The three roughed-up antennas should be in the middle of your view. Now it’s time to throw the smoke, and your team should be all set.

A Short Smoke to T Spawn

You’re only covering the A-short entry with this smoke, so you’re vulnerable if you’re going mid or playing about in top mid.

As the game begins, terrorist players can smoke out the catwalk ahead of time, allowing their colleagues to enter A through short without being hit by the stealthy sniper in the middle.

On the terrorist side, the individual that spawns in the middle of their colleagues can walk straight, sit, and aim at the middle of the top edge of the window. Continue to stand, leap, and release smoke. You’re protected from now until mid.

B Door Smoke

There are several ways to smoke these doors, one of which is to use the Skyroof opening from the upper tunnel. This is accomplished by tossing it through one of the corners on the left as you enter, then facing up and throwing it between the archway and the beam of wood. Another option is to get to the far left corner, then look up and try to thread the needle through the square formed by the collapsed beams.

From B, the Upper Tunnels’ Entrance

This smoke will make you want to listen to “CykaBlyat Rush B.” A famous location that can be used to shield the top tunnels from B doors or even B windows. Simply go into the tunnel and toss the smoke on the left wall, causing it to bounce, allowing players to pass through B.

But be warned: you may be secure from the B window or door, but if someone is on the B platform, you’ll need another smoke to block their view. Great teams have bowed to the precise B platform sniper.

Mid to B Smoke

The ideal method to employ this smoke is to immediately rush for the B site after lighting, ensuring that any counter-terrorists waiting up at spawn have been blocked off. The Mid to B smoke is unquestionably one of the most effective techniques to achieve this rush. To begin, place yourself directly against the XBOX’s pallet. After that, simply execute a jump throw towards the doors with smoke, and you should be good to go for mid. Despite the fact that you’re blazing the mid, a sniper on the spawn boxes or from the elevator point in A may be waiting to take you down.

Smoke Crossing CT

This is a much more difficult smoke to do because it demands a lot of precision, but all you have to do is practice.

First, head over to A long and look upright over the golden tooth-shaped building’s roof. Aim just over the golden tooth while standing at the opposite end of the room, towards the corner. After that, perform a short run and start throwing smoke a little before going full speed. It’s impossible to perform it precisely and mastering it will take some time.

Smoke from a Long Corner

A strong location to cover, especially when both sides are covering A Long, providing the terrorist some breathing room while denying the counter-terrorist a fair deal of view.

There are several methods to smoke this location, one of which is from T spawn, where you’ll line up around midway between the ramp and the tiny wall. From there, position your smoke directly underneath the second smaller portion of the building. Simply leap throw after that, and the smoke will cover the corner, obstructing any sniper vision.

A Long and Winding Smoke

A traditional position exploited by terrorists to prevent counter-terrorists from storming in. The CT team has a significant time advantage at this location since they will arrive considerably earlier than the T team, which can lead to a tricky scenario.

This method is a wonderful and easy way to avoid rushing over to A site and preventing any peeking. This is done from the long door’s region. You should form a line at the entrance in the corner. With your back to the second pillar, tilt the smoke upwards and jump as you toss.

Shahrukh Aman is a talented content writer with a passion for the gaming industry. Over the past four years, he has been associated with ItsReadTime, a renowned platform dedicated to providing engaging gaming content to its audience. Throughout his tenure, Shahrukh has consistently delivered exceptional work, earning him a reputation for his outstanding contributions.


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